Hot tubs provide a fun, relaxing experience for the whole family to enjoy. But when young children are present, it’s important to realize there are risks involved. By following a few straightforward precautions, you can ensure that your kids stay safe while enjoying the hot tub with you. Fair Oaks hot tub dealer Blue Lagoon Spas and Swim Spas suggest the following safety tips.
1. Keep Babies and Toddlers Out of the Hot Tub
The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals strongly suggests that infants and toddlers not be permitted in the hot tub. They are more susceptible to overheating and their skin can be sensitive to the chemicals used in hot tubs. Height should also be taken into consideration. Children should be tall enough to stand on the bottom of the hot tub with their heads completely above water. This helps minimize the risk of drowning.
2. Lower Water Temperature
Children are more likely to become overheated in hot temperatures. While newer hot tubs will not heat above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, that is still too hot for most children. High temperatures can cause drowsiness, which increases the risk of accidents and drowning. Try to keep your hot tub heated to 95-98 degrees Fahrenheit for children to safely enjoy.
3. Keep Your Spa Covered
Most hot tubs come with a cover. Be sure to use it regularly to cover your hot tub when it’s not in use. This can help reduce the risk of a child falling in, accidents and drowning. Ask your Fair Oaks hot tub dealer about spa covers that feature locks for added protection.
4. Always Supervise Children in the Hot Tub
Like with all pools and bodies of water, never leave children alone when they are playing in a hot tub, even if they know how to swim. A hot tub may be much smaller than a pool, but there is still a risk for accidents and drowning. Children could fall, become overheated, or have their hair caught in the drain—all causing an emergency that could be avoided.
5. Discuss Hot Tub Safety with Your Children
Establish some firm safety rules for using your hot tub. Sit down with children and go over these rules before allowing them to go in the hot tub. Make sure they know the possible risks and hazards of using a hot tub. They should realize that these rules are important and are meant to keep them safe.
Find a Fair Oaks Hot Tub Dealer for More Advice
Spending time in the hot tub with your children can be an enjoyable time for the whole family. By following these important hot tub safety tips, you should have many years of safe and relaxing fun in the water with your kids. For more information on spas, swim spas and hot tub safety, contact the professionals at Blue Lagoon Spas and Swim Spas. We are conveniently located in Fair Oaks, California. Call us at (916) 827-1772.