You might just be beginning your search for your first hot tub, and wonder if your deck or patio will support the weight. Or you might be a new hot tub owner, trying to calculate water consumption. Either way, many people wonder how many gallons of water are in a hot tub. Well, the answer to your question is…it depends—on the size, shape, and number of people your hot tub can fit. We’re here to help you get more familiar with approximately how many gallons are in each of the different hot tub sizes, and also let you know what steps you can take to find out the exact amount in case you need it.
How Many Gallons in a 2-Person Hot Tub?
If you’re just getting started with your first hot tub, a 2-person hot tub might be a good option for you. You will have plenty of room to give yourself some me-time or relax after a busy weekend with your partner. 2-person hot tubs can hold anywhere between 150 gallons and 220 gallons of water. Our “Dos” spa carried by our hot tub store is a perfect example of a semi-compact 2-person spa—and it can hold about 170 gallons of water.
How Many Gallons in a 3-Person Hot Tub?
When 2-person hot tubs are just a little too snug for you and you want to enjoy that extra space, 3-person hot tubs are the way to go. The number of gallons of water a 3-person hot tub can hold ranges anywhere between 200 gallons and 300 gallons. For example, our hot tub store’s “Caliente” spa has enough room for 3-4 people and holds about 285 gallons of water.
How Many Gallons in a 6-person Hot Tub?
When your weekends are filled with entertaining friends and family, a 2- or 3-person hot tub just won’t cut it. You can expect a 6-person hot tub to hold anywhere between 320 gallons to 475 gallons of water. For example, the “Mesa” spa offered by our store can hold between 6-7 people, has up to 50 jets, and holds 380 gallons of water.
Finding Out the Exact Number
For current hot tub owners, the easiest solution to finding out how many gallons are in a hot tub is to check your user manual. Now, if during the excitement of getting your hot tub delivered, you misplaced the manual, you can simply call the hot tub store where you made your purchase. Given the model of your hot tub, they can provide you with the details of your hot tub or even send over a PDF copy of the manual.
If you are trying to find the answer to your question after your hot tub store’s hours, Google can come to your rescue. Thank goodness for technologies these days, right? The only thing Google needs to provide you the answer to your golden question, “How many gallons are in a hot tub” is the serial number located on your hot tub. To find this, head over to the front panel on your hot tub and look for the model or serial number. You can either take a photo of the entire tag or write down the number. After you enter this information in a Google search, you should be able to narrow down the exact model your hot tub is to find out how many gallons it holds.
Manually Calculating the Number of Gallons
When all else fails, you can manually calculate how many gallons are in a hot tub. All you need is a tape measure and to follow these steps:
- For square/rectangle hot tubs, you will measure length, width, and depth in inches. Then multiply the width by length by depth. Divide result by 1,728
- For round hot tubs, you will measure the width across the center and the depth. Then multiply the diameter by diameter by the depth. Divide results by 1,728.
- If your hot tub has seats take the final figure from steps 1 or 2 and multiply by 2.4
- If your hot tub does not have any seats, take the final figure from steps 1 or 2 and multiple by 4.8.
- Voila! The number you receive after completing these calculations is how many gallons of water are in your hot tub.
Visit Our Hot Tub Store in Fair Oaks, CA
No matter where you are in your hot tub journey, we’ve got all the bells and whistles you may be looking for. From 2-person hot tubs to 9-person hot tubs, the options are endless at Blue Lagoon Spas. We are with you from the very beginning and help you to customize your spa the way you want it. Contact us today to learn about our Turbo spa difference.