As your friendly neighborhood swim spa dealer, it’s our job to inform owners of swim spas in Auburn, California of the best practices for maintaining their systems. We want everyone to have the most enjoyable time possible, and proper spa maintenance is crucial for that. An infestation of mold and mildew doesn’t just hurt your water quality and ruin the bathing experience. It can also do lasting damage to your system! To keep your swim spa in proper working order and avoid a mold and mildew mashup, keep the following steps in mind:
Clean the Affected Area
For swim spa surfaces affected by mold or mildew, standard household cleaning products can do the trick. Apply as needed, but be sure to rinse it off afterward; this will ensure that none of the cleaners gets into the filters and damage them.
Scour Crevices with a Sponge or Brush
A sponge or toothbrush will help you get into those tiny crevices where mold and mildew love to hide.
Rinse You Swim Spa Well Before Refilling It
You don’t want any of the cleaning liquids mixing with the new water when you refill your swim spa. You also don’t want any residual mold or mildew left floating there either. Be sure to rinse the spa thoroughly with clean water before you begin to refill it.
Wipe and Dry
Is there mold and mildew on your spa cover? Wipe it clean with a cleaning product and then dry it thoroughly. Be sure to do this regularly to prevent new growth from starting.
Perform Proper, Regular Swim Spa Maintenance
With the built-up mold and mildew removed, you can prevent them from staging a return by following the prescribed proper and regular maintenance process for your swim spa.
These the layers of horrible mold and mildew wouldn’t accumulate if the routine was maintained. These happen due to neglect, which shouldn’t be the case for owners of swim spas in Auburn, California. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility… same goes for having a great swim spa! After all, the wet and warm environment is a perfect breeding ground for all sorts of microbial nastiness. So don’t neglect your swim spa, regularly clean it and save yourself the trouble of scrubbing the layers of bacterial film off your swim spa. Remember to always wear protective gloves when working with strong cleaning products. You might even want to use a mask or goggles!
Contact a Dealer for Advice on Maintaining Swim Spas in Auburn, California
If your swim spa has other complications or issues that can’t be fixed by the routine procedures, don’t hesitate to call the experts! For help and advice with maintaining swim spas in Auburn, California, call us today!