Winter is around the corner, but there’s no need to be down! Many hot tub owners turn their spa into the oasis they need during the cooler months and continue to reap hot tub health benefits well into the winter. Whether you have the blues from longing for the warmth of summer or are struggling with more serious difficulties such as seasonal affective disorder, your hot tub is a wonderful way to improve your mood as the temperatures plummet. Below, we’ll explore some ways that you can use your home spa to beat the winter blues!
What Are the Winter Blues?
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that is linked to changes in seasons, and is commonly referred to as the ‘winter blues’. Typically, most people with SAD begin experiencing symptoms in the fall and continue experiencing them through the winter. According to the Mayo Clinic, people suffering from winter-onset SAD typically experience oversleeping, changes in appetite, weight gain, tiredness, depression, and feelings of agitation. If you are experiencing symptoms of SAD, it’s important to see your healthcare provider, as effective treatments such as light therapy boxes can provide relief.
How a Hot Tub Helps You Beat the Winter Blues
Using your hot tub regularly during the winter months can also be a valuable part of a SAD treatment regimen.
1. Increase Natural Light Exposure
Using your hot tub during daylight hours will help you to increase your natural light exposure. Natural light works to stimulate cells in the retina that are connected to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that helps control circadian rhythms, and so activating it at a specific time every day helps to restore a healthy circadian rhythm and relieve seasonal symptoms.
2. Improve Blood Circulation
The fresh air and improved blood circulation that result from regular hot tub soaks are also great hot tub health benefit that can be helpful during winter months.
3. Stimulate Your Brain
Scientists believe that when a person’s skin is warmed that electrical signals in their sensory neurons increases. The sensory neurons then relay the signal through the spinal cord to the brain, where it activates the area of the brain that processes pleasant stimulation. Simply put, warming up in a hot tub helps you beat the winter blues by activating the areas of the brain that make you happy!
4. Stay Connected, or Get Alone Time
Hot tubs are also a great way to maintain connectedness to family and friends during the busy holiday season of winter months, or conversely enjoy the relaxation and restful solitude that is often needed during those very same holidays.
Beat the Winter Blues with a Hot Tub in Sacramento, GA
There’s no need to feel down in the dumps once temperatures begin to plummet. A Turbo Spa can be just the solution you need to beat the winter blues. At Blue Lagoon Spas, we believe that regular use of a Turbo Spa at home can help our clients stay positive and engaged throughout the winter months. If you are interested in learning how a hot tub can help you beat the winter blues, contact us today!